Saturday, February 7, 2009

Explain to me why Bud Selig is still the commish of baseball!

As baseball takes another pitch to the helmet, I have to ask myself, why Bud Selig is still the commisioner of baseball. It absolutely blows my mind. In an article this week, it was revealed that Selig pocketed $18 million from baseball last season. That was more than all but three major leaguers. That blows my mind. This guy has been front and center to blame for the steroid era. He sat back and did absolutely nothing about the problem until his hand was forced by Congress. Now today, yet another embarrassment as one of baseball's best players is linked to a failed 2003 steroid test. This was supposed to be confidential information and should have never been leaked. Yet another baseball blunder unless there is some reason baseball leaked it intentially to hurt ARod. Either way, it's another blunder under Selig's blinded eyes. This guy has to go if baseball is on it's way to restoring it's image. Do us all a favor Bud and LEAVE BASEBALL.

1 comment:

RoseFan said...

Not only should Bud resign but he should take Donal Fehr along with him. Baseball needs a house cleaning and it should start at the top.