Ok, so you think you had a pretty good draft day. Where do I go from here? Do I feel comfortable enough to just sit back and go with these guys? IN a word - No! The draft was fun but there's still plenty to do if you want to contend for your league title. One of the first things I like to do after my draft is print out a couple of recent "experts" drafts. There is always a few at the regular places we all visit on a daily basis. Try to find one that was done after or as close to your draft as possible. Just like everyday life things change fast in fantasy baseball also, so stay up to date.
Why you ask do I want to print out an experts draft. Well why do you think they call them experts. I want to know if some expert drafted someone that went undrafted in my draft, you getting the picture here. When you print out an experts draft you can usually start at about round 6-7 to even start looking, nobody misses anyone drafted this fast. These so called experts are doing this for a living and don't think they are maybe not holding back the love for someone that they really think can bust out this year. Like I said they are doing this for a living. If I worked for ESPN or Foxsports or SportingNews or anywhere doing this as my income producer, don't you think me winning the experts league would make my resume look much better than the guy that finished last in an experts league. Trust me these guys become free agents just like the players do. How do you think the Talented Mr. Roto got his job at ESPN in the first place. It wasn't because he has a face for TV. He has come a long way to where he sits on the throne at ESPN with some kind of fancy fantasy head writer title there. And wouldn't you think he wants to win the ESPN experts league to prove his worth.
This is just one example of many writers at many sites you can cross reference your draft results with. You ever heard you only get out of something what you put into it. If this sounds like too much work for you then I invite you to play in our league next year.........GO REDS..........And yes Peter Edward Rose does belong in the Hall of Fame
Reds Sweep Astros
15 years ago
I really enjoyed your post untill I got to your signarture.
What a joke. For someone so dependent on the experts for checking your draft. Why can't you trust in the experts that say Pete Rose does not belong in the HOF. This man is the bigest disgrace in baseball during my lifetime and maybe the entire history of the game. Let it go he's loser in baseball, betting and life.
you can go screw yourself. Read your baseball history and you will see plenty of guys in the HoF that were not saints. I guess what is happening today is ok......Just go ahead and say it you wouldn't know a great ball player from a Barry Bonds
let's not cuss here.....But yes the first poster is the biggest disgrace to ever respond to a blog...try spell check dumb_ _ _ _
My vote is for Rose in H o F
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